3When an image is _______, spatial resolution is increased.
8What effect will using a higher grid ratio have on recorded detail?
12The use of a compression device will increase _____.
14In order to image a structure that is located anteriorly in the body, it is best radiographed to minimize magnification by doing a _____ projection.
15The following technical factors were used to generate an image of a knee: 60 kVp, 20 mAs, and small FSS. If this technique yielded EI of 800 and the TEI of extremities is 800, what was the DI?
20The most commonly used beam restricting device is the _____.
24In an Agfa system, each change of 0.3 above median exposure results in a doubling of exposure.
28The relationship of the focal spot size, SID, and OID specifically impacts the _____ of the image.
29Scatter can be reduced by using devices reduce such as a compression ______.
1Scatter radiation increases as _____ increases.
2The following technical factors were used to generate an image of an abdomen: 80 kVp, 10 mAs, and large FSS. If this technique yielded EI of 100 and the TEI of body is 400, what was the DI?
4Approximately ____% of x-rays incident on the patient reach the image receptor.
6What type of grid error results in appropriate exposure to the middle of the IR and marked underexposure along the sides of the IR?
7The ability of an imaging system to distinguish structures with similar x-ray transmission as separate entities
9The recommended SIDs that can be used with a focused grid describe the:
11Degree of sharpness in an image
13The use of _____ improves contrast and reduces patient dose.
16When a grid is needed but not available, the _____ may be used for certain examinations.
18The most common cause of grid cutoff is due to______misalignment.
19Primary factors influence the relative intensity of scatter radiation that reaches the image receptor
21As Kodak exposure indicator numbers increase by 300, exposure increases x _____.
22An aperture diaphragm that has an extended flange attached to it
23If an excellent knee radiograph is produced using 12 mAs and an 8:1 ratio grid, how much mAs will be needed if no grid is available?
25Usually, when an air-gap technique is used, the mAs is increased approximately 10% for every centimeter of air gap.
26The use of _____ improves contrast but increases patient dose.
27What is the grid conversion factor for a 12:1 ratio grid?